Empathy in UK pharmacy students: assessing differences by gender, level in the degree programme, part-time employment and medical status


  • Maurice Hall Queen's University Belfast
  • Lezley-Anne Hanna Queen's University Belfast
  • Alan Hanna Queen's University Belfast
  • Christine McDevitt Queen's University Belfast


Empathy, Pharmacy, Questionnaire, Undergraduate


Background: Empathy is an important aspect of patient–healthcare professional interactions.

Aims: To investigate whether gender, level in the degree programme, employment and health status affected empathy scores of undergraduate pharmacy students.

Method: All undergraduate pharmacy students (n=529) at Queen’s University Belfast were invited via email to complete an online validated empathy questionnaire. Empathy scores were calculated and non-parametric tests used to determine associations between factors.

Results: Response rate was 60.1% (318/529) and the mean empathy score was 106.19. Scores can range from 20 to 140, with higher scores representing a greater degree of empathy. There was no significant difference between genders (p=0.211). There was a significant difference in scores across the four levels of the programme (p<0.001); scores were lowest at Level 1 and greatest at Level 4 (final year). There were no significant differences in scores for respondents who had a part-time job, a chronic condition, or took regular medication in comparison to those who did not (p=0.028, p=0.880, p=0.456, respectively).

Conclusion: A reasonable level of empathy was found relative to other studies; this could be further enhanced at lower levels of the degree pathway. 

Author Biographies

Maurice Hall, Queen's University Belfast

Lecturer (Education), School of Pharmacy 

Lezley-Anne Hanna, Queen's University Belfast

School of Pharmacy 

Alan Hanna, Queen's University Belfast

School of Pharmacy 

Christine McDevitt, Queen's University Belfast

School of Pharmacy 


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How to Cite

Hall, M., Hanna, L.-A., Hanna, A., & McDevitt, C. (2015). Empathy in UK pharmacy students: assessing differences by gender, level in the degree programme, part-time employment and medical status. Pharmacy Education, 15. Retrieved from https://pharmacyeducation.fip.org/pharmacyeducation/article/view/393



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