RESEARCH ARTICLE: Implementation of online assignment submission with instant feedback in a pharmacy course
Assignment, Biopharmaceutics , Blackboard , Instant grading, Online submissionAbstract
Objective: To implement online assignment submission with instant feedback in a biopharmaceutics course taught to professional pharmacy students, and to evaluate students’ reception of the activity.
Method: Online assignments equipped for immediate grading and feedback were administered on Blackboard to second year pharmacy students. A survey assessing students’ reception of the effectiveness of this method was administered at the end of the semester.
Results: Almost all the students (99.1%) agreed or strongly agreed that the online assignments and feedback improved their understanding of the basic concepts in the course. Students (98.8%) also felt that the use of computers in the course was worthwhile, and recommended their continued use.
Conclusion: Online assignments with instant feedback offers a readily workable technique that students and this author perceive to have great value for enhancing student understanding in biopharmaceutics and related pharmacy courses.
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