Basic science pharmacy faculty publication patterns from research-intensive US Colleges, 1999 – 2003
Pharmacy faculty, publications, basic sciences, center-based collegesAbstract
Objectives:The purpose of this paper was to determine publication patterns of basic science faculty (medicinal chemistry,pharmaceutics, and pharmacology) in research-intensive US colleges of pharmacy utilizing the Science citation index (SCI)database. A secondary purpose was to determine the sensitivity of our SCI search method in identifying basic science faculty publications.
Methods:We searched SCI for publications by basic science faculty from five randomly selected health sciences-based,public colleges of pharmacy for each of the years 1999 – 2003. The search strategy involved searching individual faculty bystate, year and author name.
Results:Our search strategy had a false-positive error rate of approximately 2%. Basic science faculty published an average of 3:6 +/- 4:25 publications per year (95% CI 3.2 – 4.0) for the years 1999 –2003. Approximately 15% of the faculty published 50% of the total publications. Full professors (n= 215) averaged significantly higher publications per year (4.77) compared to associate professor (n=135) at 2.75, and assistant professors (n=120) at 2.59. Pharmacology faculty (n=114)averaged significantly lower publications per year (2.60), compared with pharmaceutics faculty (n=178) at 3.90 and medicinal chemistry faculty (n= 172) at 4.11.
Conclusion:These data provide normative values to compare publication rates among research-intensive basic science pharmacy faculty. However, simple publication counts such as these provide no insight into the quality or importance of thepublished information.
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Alexandria, VA: US Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy. AACP Regular Institutional Members. (accessed January 28, 2004).
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