RESEARCH ARTICLE: Determining the best practices for remote experiential rotations
Pharmacy, Preceptorship, Remote, Rotation, VirtualAbstract
Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical sites have closed their doors to student placements, leading to the implementation of remote rotations. The purpose was to determine best practices for distance preceptorship from the student’s perspective.
Methods: A survey was sent to the pharmacy students at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy who have completed at least one remote rotation.
Results: Forty-eight out of 121 students (39%) completed the survey. It was found that 83% of the students were motivated during the start of their rotations, while 48% remained motivated throughout. Students who remained motivated had clear expectations set from the beginning, felt comfortable communicating issues regarding their assigned work with their preceptor, had similar rapport with remote preceptors as with in-person preceptors, had a preceptor who is always available for questions, and had a work environment free of distractions.
Discussion:There are numerous best practices students and preceptors can utilise during a remote rotation to help students remain motivated. Preceptors and students should work together so that students remain motivated throughout their rotation. Setting expectations, having good communication, getting to know their preceptor, and having a work environment free of distractions are key factors for conducting a remote rotation.
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