IAI CONFERENCE: Adverse drug reactions associated with successful treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital Central Jakarta
Adverse drug reaction, Multi-drug resistance, Successful treatment, TuberculosisAbstract
Introduction: Indonesia experiences Tuberculosis (TB) cases that are very complex and complicated, especially those dealing with Multi-Drug Resistance TB (MDR-TB). Its therapy using several types of drugs can cause several problems; one of them is an adverse drug reaction.
Aim: To investigate the association between Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) and the successful treatments of MDR-TB patients.
Method: This was a retrospective study, the population in this study were all patients with medical and treatment records for MDR-TB. This sampling type is a purposive sampling technique. The statistical analysis used the chi-square test as the statistical test.
Results: The significant correlation was between the incidence of ADRs and successful treatment with p=0.024; odd ratio=2.526; CI=1.193 - 17.892.
Conclusions: This study may help in formulating strategies for the timely and aggressive management of adverse drug reactions. This can reduce the deferral of therapy and increase the clinical success rate.
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