IAI CONFERENCE: A pharmacoeconomic study: cost-utility analysis of modern wound dressings vs conventional wound dressings in patients with diabetic foot ulcer
Cost-utility analysis, Diabetic foot ulcer, DQOL questionnaire, Pharmacoeconomics, Wound dressingAbstract
Introduction: Duration of treatment and outcome of therapy of diabetic foot ulcers are some of the factors that affect the quality of life and will require higher medical costs.
Aim: This study aimed to choose an alternative wound dressing that provides the best utility at the most cost-efficient.
Methods: The research method used was pharmacoeconomics with a patient’s perspective.
Results: The results showed the mean cost of modern wound dressings per visit was IDR 347,131, while that of conventional wound dressings was IDR 47,140. The quality of life with modern vs conventional wound dressing was significantly different (p < 0.05). The incremental cost utility ratio (ICUR) value was IDR 22,813 per quality of life (QoL).
Conclusions: This study showed that modern wound dressings provide a higher quality of life at a higher cost. Indeed, it cost more than IDR 22,813 to change from conventional to modern wound dressings and increase 1 unit of quality of life, but patients obtained an additional 13.15 quality of life.
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