IAI CONFERENCE: Formulation and physical evaluation of facial cream preparations from Ceremai fruit juice (Phyllanthus acidus (l.) Skeels)
AHA, Cream, Freeze-drying, Phyllanthus acidus L.Abstract
Introduction: Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels) fruit contains AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) compounds which are widely used as a moisturizer or as an exfoliating process in cosmetics production. It also contains vitamin C and flavonoids, both of which acts as whitening agents.
Aim: This study aims to utilise a source of natural AHA active substances found in P.acidus in face cream preparations.
Methods: The juice from P.acidus was dried by freeze-drying method and formulated into a cream with the preparation process evaluated for one month.
Results: The observation results showed that after one month, there was no change in colour during storage, with the pH, viscosity and spreadability of the cream in the range 4.5-6.2, 2700-3996 cps, and 4.8-5.7 cm, respectively.
Conclusion: P.acidus fruit juice containing AHA can be formulated into a face cream with good physical stability.
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