IAI CONFERENCE: The evaluation of compounding prescription and its availability of a licensed product for children at a private hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Compounding, Extemporaneous preparation, Licensed drug formula, Prescribing profileAbstract
Introduction: The availability of licensed drug formulas for paediatric patients is still limited, so compounded drugs still exist, especially in the form of divided medicinal powder.
Aim: This study aimed to determine the profile of divided medicinal powder prescription and its availability in licensed drug formula for paediatric patients.
Methods: This research was a cross-sectional study. Prescriptions containing order to compound divided medicinal powder at a ublic Hospital in Yogyakarta Special Region from January to March 2019, were collected and analysed descriptively.
Results: The total collected prescriptions were 152. The total of active substances given to paediatric patients was 38. The most prescribed drug in the hospital was Triamcinolone. There are 34 active substances already available in licensed drug formulas for paediatric patients, so it is better not to be compounded. However, four active substances are not available as licensed product in the drug information handbook in Indonesia, so, it is reasonable to compound to provide a suitable medication (dose and dosage form) for paediatric patients.
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