IAI CONFERENCE: Formulation and evaluation of Kirinyuh Leaf effervescent granules (Chromolaena Odorata. L) as an antioxidant
Antioxidants, Effervescent, Granule, KirinyuhAbstract
Introduction: Kirinyuh leaf is a widely grown plant in Indonesia, containing alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and steroids. Flavonoids are compounds that can capture free radicals or act as natural antioxidants. Effervescent granules can mask the bitter taste and simplify the dissolving process without involving manual stirring.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to make and evaluate a formulation of effervescent granules of Kirinyuh leaf extract.
Methods: The granule method was carried out by the wet granulation method. Granule evaluation included organoleptic test, water content test, dissolve time test, flow time test, pH test, and hedonic test.
Results: Organoleptic test results showed similar granule size, slightly brownish colour, and characteristics of Kirinyuh leaf odour. When examining their quality, the granules produced met the requirements, with moisture content between 0.4% and 0.7%, dissolving time of 30-35 seconds, flow time test of 8-8.5 g/second, and pH of 5.6-5.8; the results of the hedonic test showed that the effervescent granule preparation was much preferred.
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