IAI CONFERENCE: The potential effect of the green coffee extract on reducing atherogenic index in hyperlipidemic rats
Atherogenic index, Cardiac histopathology, Green coffee extractAbstract
Introduction: Dyslipidemia is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The high prevalence of dyslipidemia triggers the development of green coffee supplement products, which are claimed as cholesterol-lowering and slimming agents. Nonetheless, research data on the effect of taking green coffee supplement products, especially regarding cardiovascular function, is limited.
Aims: To determine the potential effect of green coffee extract (GCE) on improving atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) and cardiac histopathology in hyperlipidemic rats.
Methods: 24 rats were induced by high-fat feed for 21 days. Then, the rats were treated with a GCE, dose of 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg bodyweight for 14 days. The next day, blood was collected from the rats to take measurements of their serum lipid profile and calculating their AIP. The heart organ was created by using histopathological preparations.
Results: Administration of GCE in all doses significantly reduced the AIP and improved cardiac histopathology in the hyperlipidemic rats.
Conclusions: GCE can be developed as a cardio-protector.
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