IAI CONFERENCE: Evaluation of antidiarrheal effect of combination of Salam Leaves (Syzygiumpolyanthum) and Jackfruit Leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) infusum in rats induced by castor oil


  • Husnul Khuluq Muhammadiyah Health Institute, Indonesia
  • Evi Marlina Muhammadiyah Health Institute, Indonesia




Castor oil induced diarrhoea, Herb medicine, Traditional antidiarrheal herb


Backround: Diarrhoea is a condition characterised by watery, loose stools that occurs more than three times daily. In Indonesian traditional medicine, salam leaves and jackfruit leaves have been used as herbal treatments for many conditions, including as antidiarrheal medicines.    

Aims: The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the antidiarrheal effect of a combination of Salam leaves and jackfruit leaves infusum induced by castor oil in rats.    

Method: The rats were divided into nine groups, where the negative control group was given CMC 1 %, the positive control group was given tannins, and five test groups were given the infusum with five comparisons of each dose administered orally. Castor oil was used as a stimulant of diarrhoea.     

Results: The results show that with all combinations of salam leaves: jackfruit leaves have antidiarrheal effects with decreased frequency of defecation, faeces consistency, and faeces weight at ratios of 1:1,  1:2, 1:3, 2:1, and 3:1 compared to the negative control (p < 0.05). Phytochemical test of the infusum indicated positive tannins. The antidiarrheal effect of both infusums might be due to the presence of tannins, which have anti-secretory effect in the intestinal lumen.   

Conclusions: The treatment with combination of salam leaves and jackfruit leaves infusum in rats induced by Castor oil has an antidiarrheal effect. The best result is a mixture of salam infusum: jackfruit infusum with 3:1 ratio.

Author Biographies

Husnul Khuluq, Muhammadiyah Health Institute, Indonesia

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Evi Marlina , Muhammadiyah Health Institute, Indonesia

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences


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How to Cite

Khuluq, H. ., & Marlina , E. . (2021). IAI CONFERENCE: Evaluation of antidiarrheal effect of combination of Salam Leaves (Syzygiumpolyanthum) and Jackfruit Leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) infusum in rats induced by castor oil . Pharmacy Education, 21(2), p. 148–151. https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2021.212.148151



Conference Proceedings