IAI CONFERENCE: Antibiotic use on paediatric inpatients in a public hospital in Bangil, Indonesia
Antibiotic use evaluation, ATC/DDD method, Inpatients, PaediatricAbstract
Introduction: The importance of antibiotic use in a clinical setting was evaluated in order to support the global action plan to decelerate the spreading speed of antimicrobial resistance.
Aim: This study aimed to evaluate antibiotic use among pediatric inpatients in Bangil public hospital, East Java, Indonesia.
Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. The data were obtained from medical records of pediatric patients admitted to a pediatric ward in 2017. Data were analysed using the anatomical therapeutic chemical classification system (ATC)/defined daily dose (DDD) method in conjunction with data sources from a locally developed bacterial map.
Results: The results showed the paediatric patients were dominantly male (n=218; 54.2%) and mostly diagnosed with diarrhoea (n=87; 15.3%). Ampicillin-sulbactam was the most commonly used antibiotic (16.3%). The total DDD value was 66.1 DDD/100 bed-days, and ceftriaxone demonstrated the highest DDD value (10.3 DDD/100 bed-days).
Conclusion: In conclusion, the use of antibiotics in the pediatric ward in Bangil public hospital was comparable to other studies conducted in Indonesia.
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