Teaching human rights at the doctoral school in Romania


  • Ofelia Crisan Pharmaceutical Legislation Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 12, Ion Creanga Street, Cluj-Napoca 400010, Romania


Keywords, Doctoral school, human rights, research, future plans


The doctoral curriculum of the Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj Napoca comprises the course “European Legislation on Research”. The chapter “Human rights in health” includes a study on health legislation, which analyses the right to health protection and its components—the recognition within the Romanian legislation with reference to international documents, the respect in the health system and health research. For example, the principle of informed consent in health research is established. The final part of the course highlights the need to correct shortcomings of the legislation, and the importance of professional and human training, by studying and applying the ethics of patients’ rights. Evaluation of the course shows good results from the doctoral students, and their appreciation for the course and the teacher’s performance. Future plans include continuous updates and improvement of the evaluation system.


Colegiul Medicilor din România, Codul de Deontologie Medicală [College of Physicians of Romania, The Medical Deontology Code] http://www.cmr.ro/images/stories/pdf/Cod_Deontologic_final_verificat06_04_05pdf.

Decizia Colegiului Farmaciştilor din România nr. 1/2005, privind adoptarea Statutului şi Codului deontologic al farmacistului, Monitorul Oficial nr. 752/2005. [Decision of the College of Pharmacists of Romania no. 1/2005 on the Statute and the Pharmacist’s Deontological Code, Official Journal no. 752/2005]

Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 567/2005 privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea studiilor universitare de doctorat, Monitorul Oficial nr. 505/2005. [Decision of the Government no. 567/2005 on the Organization and Unfolding of Doctoral Studies, Official Journal no. 505/2005]

Legea nr. 17/2001 privind ratificarea Convenţiei europene pentru protecţia drepturilor omului şi a demnităţii fiinţei umane faţă de aplicaţiile biologiei şi medicinei: Convenţia privind drepturile omului şi biomedicina, semnată la Oviedo la 4 aprilie 1997, Monitorul Oficial nr. 103/2002. [Law no. 17/2001 on the Ratification of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, signed at Oviedo on April 4th 1997, Official Journal no. 103/2002]

Legea nr. 46/2003 privind drepturile pacienţilor, Monitorul Oficial nr. 51/2003. [Law no. 46/2003 on the Patients Rights, Official Journal no. 51/2003]

Legea nr. 95/2006 privind reforma în domeniul sănătăţii, Monitorul Oficial nr. 372/2006. [Law no. 95/2006 on the Health Field Reform, Official Journal no. 372/2006]

WHO, Regional Office for Europe, The Declaration on the Promotion of Patients’ Rights in Europe, Copenhagen, 1994.

WMA, The Declaration of Helsinki, http://www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm.


How to Cite

Crisan, O. (2018). Teaching human rights at the doctoral school in Romania. Pharmacy Education, 7(4). Retrieved from https://pharmacyeducation.fip.org/pharmacyeducation/article/view/143



Research Article