IAI CONFERENCE: Microencapsulation of Jeringau Rhizome essential oils (Acorus calamus L.) using β-Cyclodextrin
β-cyclodextrin, Essential oils, Freeze-drying jeringau rhizome, MicroencapsulationAbstract
Background: The way to improve the stability of jeringau rhizome essential oils is microencapsulation using β-cyclodextrin.
Aim: To determine the efficiency of coating the jeringau rhizome essential oil with β-cyclodextrin and examine its thermostability.
Method: The microencapsulation method used was freeze-drying with a ratio of 1:20 and 1:30.
Results: The microcapsule efficiency at the ratio of 1:20 and 1:30 was 81.67% and 60.70%, respectively. The thermostability test results showed that the degradation constant of 1:20 microcapsule at 50oC and ambient temperature was 0.0054 and 0.0029, respectively, with a half-life of 128.33 hours and 238.97 hours. Meanwhile, the degradation constant of 1:30 microcapsule was 0.0182 and 0.0080, with a half-life of 38.07 hours and 86.63 hours.
Conclusion: The highest efficiency is in the ratio of 1:20 with a percentage of 81.67%. In the thermostability test, the 1:20 microcapsule was better protected and had a longer half-life than the 1:30 microcapsule.
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