IAI CONFERENCE: Formulation and physical properties of lotion Kalakai root ethanol extract (Stenochlaena palustris Bedd)
Ethanol extract, Kalakai root, Lotion, Physical properties testAbstract
Aim: To determine the physical (organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, dispersibility and adhesion) properties of the ethanol extract of Kalakai root lotion with a concentration of 1%, 2% and 3%.
Methods: This study used the maceration method that was carried out by testing the physical properties of the lotion preparation with three concentrations, namely 1%, 2% and 3% using one type, namely the M/A type.
Results: It was found that at a concentration of 3% it was a formula for the ethanol extract of Kalakai root that met the quality parameters of the good physical properties of the lotion.
Conclusion: Kalakai root extract concentration influenced the physical properties of the lotion preparation tested. The higher the kalakai root extract concentration, to a concentration of 3%, did not affect the pH value or homogeneity, but the kalakai root extract lotion preparation had higher results for the spreadability and adhesion.
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