IAI CONFERENCE: Medicine management in districts and primary health care centres (PHC) in the national health insurance (JKN) programme


  • Raharni Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Rini Sasanti Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Yuyun Yuniar Ministry of Health, Indonesia




e-procurement, Medicine management, National health insurance (JKN), Primary health care


Aim: This study aimed to identify medicine management in district health offices and primary health care centres (PHCs) after the national health insurance (JKN) programme implementation.     

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out by collecting documents related to medication management and in-depth interviews with the head of the PHC officials and JKN medicine management officers at the PHC in four provinces of Indonesia.     

Results: The results showed no regional policies related to medicine management; all policies were based on central policies. Medicine management in districts follows the procurement planning suggested by PHCs, which relies on disease patterns. Medicine procurement at PHCs is done by e-purchasing using an e-catalog. Medicines above IDR 200 million are purchased through catalogs provided by the procurement service unit (ULP), and those under IDR 200 million are obtained through a direct appointment.     

Conclusion: The storage of medicine requires more space and air humidity controlling. The reporting and monitoring of medications e-logistic system are based on 20 indicators and have not been carried out regularly. It is necessary to improve reporting and monitoring systems.

Author Biographies

Raharni, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Center for Resources and Health Services, National Institute of Health Research and Development

Rini Sasanti, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Objective: This study aimed to identify medicine management in district health offices and primary health care centres (PHCs) after the national health insurance (JKN) programme implementation.     

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out by collecting documents related to medication management and in-depth interviews with the head of the PHC officials and JKN medicine management officers at the PHC in four provinces of Indonesia.     

Results: The results showed no regional policies related to medicine management; all policies were based on central policies. Medicine management in districts follows the procurement planning suggested by PHCs, which relies on disease patterns. Medicine procurement at PHCs is done by e-purchasing using an e-catalog. Medicines above IDR 200 million are purchased through catalogs provided by the procurement service unit (ULP), and those under IDR 200 million are obtained through a direct appointment.     

Conclusion: The storage of medicine requires more space and air humidity controlling. The reporting and monitoring of medications e-logistic system are based on 20 indicators and have not been carried out regularly. It is necessary to improve reporting and monitoring systems.

Yuyun Yuniar, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Center for Resources and Health Services, National Institute of Health Research and Development


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How to Cite

Raharni, Sasanti, R. ., & Yuniar, Y. . (2021). IAI CONFERENCE: Medicine management in districts and primary health care centres (PHC) in the national health insurance (JKN) programme . Pharmacy Education, 21(2), p. 251–257. https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2021.212.251257



Conference Proceedings