IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Determinant factors of narcotics, psychotropic, and addictive substances abuse relapse in a drug rehabilitation centre in Indonesia


  • Raharni Raharni National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia
  • Siti Isfandari National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia
  • Telly Purnamasari National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia
  • Andi Leny Susianti National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia
  • Mujiati Mujiati National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia




Drug Abuse, Rehabilitation, Relapse


Background: Drug abuse (narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive substances) causes very broad and complex problems, including relapse. Relapse is a process that occurs due to several triggering factors where a person has been declared abstinence (recovered) returning to use drugs.      

Objective: To identify the determining factors related to the recurrence of drug abuse in a drug rehabilitation center.      

Methods: A cross-sectional research design, involving searching literature to find results from journals and research papers that relate to a relapse of drug use and returning to rehabilitation centers.   

Results: Internal factors in the family such as ineffective functions and roles of the family, family imbalances and economic status also played a role. In addition to, communication within the family and, external factors, such as environmental and peer group variables as well as the use of free time. The influence of friends was a very dominant factor in causing relapse. Social and environmental pressures were the external factors more likely to cause relapse. The types of drugs used also affected the likelihood of relapse. Social support has an important role in the healing process of drug addiction. The drug often misused was shabu-shabu (methamphetamine), because of its affordability. Shabu-shabu is also associated with drug violence in the middle levels.     

Conclusion: Factors determining the relapse of narcotics, psychotropic, and addictive substances (drugs) in drug rehabilitation centers consisted of internal factors such as gender, age, knowledge and association with old friends as well as external social and environmental pressures.

Author Biographies

Raharni Raharni, National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia

Center for Resources and Health Services

Siti Isfandari, National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia

Center for Humanities and Health Management

Telly Purnamasari, National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia

Center for Resources and Health Services

Andi Leny Susianti, National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia

Center for Resources and Health Services

Mujiati Mujiati, National Institute of Health Research, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia

Center for Resources and Health Services


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How to Cite

Raharni, R., Isfandari, S. ., Purnamasari, T. ., Susianti, A. L. ., & Mujiati, M. (2022). IAI SPECIAL EDITION: Determinant factors of narcotics, psychotropic, and addictive substances abuse relapse in a drug rehabilitation centre in Indonesia. Pharmacy Education, 22(2), p. 207–212. https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2022.222.207212



Special Edition