Perceptions of European students' representative associations about clinical pharmacy undergraduate education
Clinical Pharmacy Service, Education, Pharmacy, Professional Practice Gap, Self-perception, StudentAbstract
Background: Clinical pharmacy education is an enabler of advanced pharmacy practice for the future workforce.
Objective: To explore perceptions of students’ representative associations on the adequacy of undergraduate clinical pharmacy education and students’ preparedness to perform clinical activities.
Methods: Cross-sectional study using an online survey disseminated through the European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association to affiliated national pharmacy students’ associations. The survey collected information about preparedness to perform clinical pharmacy activities, perceived fitness for practice, perceived adequacy of theoretical and practical education in clinical pharmacy, and learning methods used and desired.
Results: Students’ representative associations from 16 European countries participated and unanimously stated that clinical pharmacy practical training was insufficient. Most respondents (n=12; 75.1%) reported being unfit or unsure about their fitness to perform clinical activities.
Conclusion: Although clinical pharmacy is embedded in pharmaceutical sciences education, students felt unprepared to perform clinical activities and desired more practical training to increase job readiness.
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