Pharmacy technician training in Mongolia: Past, present, and future
Mongolia, Pharmacy practice, Pharmacy technicianAbstract
The first official training of pharmacy technicians started in 1926 in Mongolia and pharmacy technicians were the only national pharmaceutical staff till the first national pharmacist graduated in 1954. Pharmacy technicians have played a valuable role in pharmaceutical care and service in Mongolia for the last century, which is still maintained nowadays. As of June 2022, one public university and one private medical institute implemented a pharmacy technician curriculum in Mongolia, and 512 pharmacy technicians had graduated in 2016-2020. Graduated pharmacy technicians are eligible to work in a community pharmacy, hospital, or pharmaceutical industry after being registered. They can also further their studies to get a B. Pharm. degree with an additional three years of training. As of 2020, a total of 2009 pharmacy technicians worked in Mongolia, 807 of them were employed in Ulaanbaatar and 1556 pharmacy technicians worked in the community pharmacies.
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