Food security and parenting as risk factors of stunting in toddlers aged 24 to 59 months


  • Ninna Rohmawati Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Abdul Azis Akbar Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Tiara Nurfaradila Galis Health Center, Pamekasan Regency, Indonesia



Food security, Parenting, Stunting


Background: Stunting is one of the global health problems that need to be considered because the impacts are very complex and long term. There are various factors that influence the incidence of stunting, including food security and parenting.

Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse the status of household food security and parenting, as risk factors of stunting among toddlers in Pamekasan regency. 

Method: This research was done using the observational analytic with a case control design.

Result: Household food security status had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting. Toddlers who were in food-insecure households had a 3.5 times greater risk of experiencing stunting compared to toddlers in food-resistant families. There is a relationship between these two variables. Toddlers with poor parenting had an 8.4 times higher risk of experiencing stunting compared to toddlers with good parenting. 

Conclusion: The status of household food security and parenting is a risk factor for the incidence of stunting.

Author Biographies

Ninna Rohmawati, Universitas Jember, Indonesia

Nutrition Programme Study, Faculty of Public Health

Abdul Azis Akbar, Universitas Jember, Indonesia

Nutrition Programme Study, Faculty of Public Health

Tiara Nurfaradila, Galis Health Center, Pamekasan Regency, Indonesia

Galis Health Center


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How to Cite

Rohmawati, N., Akbar, A. A., & Nurfaradila, T. (2023). Food security and parenting as risk factors of stunting in toddlers aged 24 to 59 months. Pharmacy Education, 23(4), p. 82–86.



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