The implementation of the CDS-quiz, a novel educational method, in augmenting the knowledge and competence of pharmaceutical technical personnel


  • Naniek Widyaningrum Pharmacist Professional Programme, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Nada Aini Sofa Pharmacist Professional Programme, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Serina Salmathifa Winarsih Pharmacist Professional Programme, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Masita Oktasari Siroto Pharmacy, Semarang, Indonesia



Education, Knowledge, Patient satisfaction, Pharmaceutical technical personnel, Skill


Background: Pharmaceutical personnel are crucial to therapy implementation within healthcare facilities. The predicament lies in optimising the role of pharmaceutical technical staff within clinical pharmacy services, acting as a support system for pharmacists. The impediment to achieving higher satisfaction is attributable to pharmaceutical personnel's inadequate knowledge and skills. Therefore, a need arises for an efficient educational method to enhance their knowledge and proficiency.    

Objective: To examine the implementation of the CDS-Quiz for enhancing patient knowledge and satisfaction.    

Method: Over 90 day-research was conducted employing ceramah-, discussion-, and skill-quiz (CDS-Quiz). The respondents consisted of ten PTPs in healthcare facilities. The assessment of patient contentment was undertaken before and following the intervention.     

Result: After implementing the CDS-Quiz, there was a statistically significant enhancement in PTPs’ knowledge and proficiency (p < 0.001). These include a substantial upswing in patient contentment levels concerning reliability (68.8% to 89.6%), responsiveness (71.1% to 88.8%), and empathy (81.2% to 92.6%) in the provision of pharmaceutical services within the healthcare facility. There was also an increase in assurance (88.2% to 95.5%) and tangible (86% to 91.7%).    

Conclusion: The CDS-Quiz method proved the enhancement of the knowledge and skills of PTPs in healthcare services and can be applied to maximise pharmaceutical services.


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How to Cite

Widyaningrum, N., Sofa, N. A., Winarsih, S. S., & Oktasari, M. (2024). The implementation of the CDS-quiz, a novel educational method, in augmenting the knowledge and competence of pharmaceutical technical personnel. Pharmacy Education, 24(2), p. 58–62.



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