Telepharmacy intervention: Can it impact medication adherence among patients with chronic disease?


  • Pretty Falena Atmanda Kambira The Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Lusy Noviani The Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Angelina M. E. L. Hendrawan The Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia



Chronic disease, Online platform, Patient adherence, Telepharmacy


Background: Medication adherence among patients with chronic diseases remains challenging for healthcare professionals. The large number and types of drugs that must be taken in the long term and the lack of knowledge related to drugs and diseases are factors that affect patient compliance. Telepharmacy is expected to improve patient medication adherence by providing easy access to consult with pharmacists.

Objective: To assess the effect of telepharmacy on chronic patient medication adherence.

Methods: This study had a cross-sectional study design, and the study population was Lifepack application users. The data was collected through an online questionnaire distributed through the Lifepack platform. The adherence was evaluated using the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, and the association of telepharmacy and patient medication adherence was examined using the chi-square independence test with significance at p < 0.05.

Results: In a study comprising of 94 respondents, a proportional ratio of respondents who used and did not use telepharmacy services was observed (45.75% and  54.25%, respectively). Analysis using the chi-square statistic (χ²) demonstrated a significant association between telepharmacy and patient adherence (χ² = 64.745, df = 1, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the odds ratio (OR) revealed a substantial difference in adherence, with an OR of 122.67 (95% CI [27.58, 545.66]).

Conclusion: Telepharmacy has a significant impact on medication adherence in chronic patients.


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How to Cite

Kambira, P. . F. A., Noviani, L., & Hendrawan, A. M. E. L. (2024). Telepharmacy intervention: Can it impact medication adherence among patients with chronic disease?. Pharmacy Education, 24(2), p. 104–108.



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