The photoprotective effectiveness of microemulsion gel made from an ethanol extract of kelakai root (Stenochlaena palustris (Brum. f) bedd.)


  • Dyera Forestryana Pharmacy Department, Borneo Lestari University, Indonesia
  • Hafiz Ramadhan Pharmacy Department, Borneo Lestari University, Indonesia
  • Puteri Maulida Pharmacy Department, Borneo Lestari University, Indonesia



Antioxidant, Kelakai root, Microemulsion gel, Photoprotection, SPF


Background: Free radicals from sunlight have detrimental effects on the skin, such as black and dull colouration and dry- and easy-to-age skin. Prevention can be done by using antioxidants derived from plants as photoprotective. Kelakai root extract has a potent antioxidant activity of 19.06 ppm. Using typical preparations in the form of microemulsion gels protects the skin from free radicals.   

Objective: This study aimed to determine the photoprotective effectiveness of the microemulsion gel preparation of kelakai root extract.    

Method: The extraction method adopted maceration with 70% ethanol solvent. The microemulsion was incorporated into a gel dosage form with a concentration of 5%. The effectiveness of the photoprotective gel was measured using UV-Vis spectrophotometry, which included determining the value of the Sun Protector Factor (SPF), erythema transmission percentage (%Te), and pigmentation transmission percentage (%Tp).   

Result: The results showed that the microemulsion gel of kelakai root extract with a concentration of 80 ppm had an SPF value of 9.816 with a %Te value of 9.591% and a %Tp value of 16.779%.    

Conclusion: The microemulsion gel of the kelakai root extract has photoprotective effectiveness as a sunscreen in the sunblock category.


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How to Cite

Forestryana, D., Ramadhan, H., & Maulida, P. (2024). The photoprotective effectiveness of microemulsion gel made from an ethanol extract of kelakai root (Stenochlaena palustris (Brum. f) bedd.). Pharmacy Education, 24(6), p. 134–143.