Cost-effectiveness analysis of amlodipine and candesartan in the inpatient setting at Mataram University Hospital in Indonesia, 2021


  • Nunung Uswatun Hasanah Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Amelia Ratnata Dewi Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia
  • Yoga Dwi Saputra Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia



Amlodipine, Candesartan, Cost-effectiveness analysis, Hypertension


Background: Hypertension requires ongoing treatment, which could be costly. There are different single-drug therapy options available, such as amlodipine or candesartan, which have varying costs.

Objective: This study aimed to analyse the cost-effectiveness of amlodipine and candesartan in hypertensive patients by determining the Average Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ACER) and Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) ratios from a hospital perspective.

Method: This study used probability sampling of retrospective data from 2021 for the analysis. All inpatients who were given single therapy with amlodipine of 10 mg or candesartan of 16 mg were included. Direct medical costs were collected, including medicine and room costs, doctor visits, medical procedures, labour and administration. The effectiveness of the therapy was measured by blood pressure reduction from each therapy. ACER and ICER analyses were conducted to determine the most cost-effective therapy.

Result: A total of 18 samples met the inclusion criteria, 14 patients received amlodipine therapy, and four received candesartan therapy. The results showed that the cost-effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy with amlodipine and candesartan, as measured by ACER, was IDR 74,851.15 and IDR 87,809.25, respectively. The ICER value obtained was IDR 362,768.

Conclusion: The results may suggest that amlodipine is more cost-effective than candesartan.


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How to Cite

Hasanah, N. U., Dewi, N. M. A. R., & Saputra, Y. D. (2024). Cost-effectiveness analysis of amlodipine and candesartan in the inpatient setting at Mataram University Hospital in Indonesia, 2021. Pharmacy Education, 24(3), p. 228–233.