Use of anticoagulant drugs for hospitalised patients: A multicentre study




Anticoagulant use, Inpatient, Multicentre study


Background: Anticoagulants are indicated for several types of diseases with progression related to coagulation. Patients administered this drug need to be evaluated by the pharmacist regarding its effectiveness and possible side effects.    

Objective: This research aimed to analyse the profile use of anticoagulants among patients at Yogyakarta Hospital.    

Method: This research was a multicentre study conducted retrospectively using the medical records of inpatients who received anticoagulants.    

Result:  Among a total of 486 respondents, the majority were male (63.58%), and the adult age category (18-59 years) was 55.76%. Most anticoagulants were used in cases of cardiovascular disease, diagnosed with NSTEMI as much as 20.21%. The most used anticoagulant drug was heparin (48.9%), followed by fondaparinux (34.3%) and enoxaparin (16.8%). The most duration of anticoagulant use was one to four days (73.02%) with the dose range being 200-1000 units/day.    

Conclusion: Heparin was the anticoagulant widely used in patients with NSTEMI. Although the elderly were the group most at risk of ADR due to anticoagulants, most of these drugs were precisely taken by adults, who also required serious attention. Further research is needed to provide a more comprehensive approach to anticoagulant therapy.


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How to Cite

Annisa, L., Kartikawati, N. D., & Ningrum, V. D. A. (2024). Use of anticoagulant drugs for hospitalised patients: A multicentre study. Pharmacy Education, 24(3), p. 286–291.