Practice Analysis for mid-level Pharmacy Workers in South Africa


  • Shirley-Anne Boschmans Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Teri-Lynne Fogarty Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Kenneth W Schafermeyer St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Missouri
  • R. Kevin Mallinson George Mason University, Virginia


Pharmacy Technician, Practice Analysis, Pharmacy Education


Background: In South Africa, educational programmes are being developed for new cadres of mid-level pharmacy workers. Therefore, a practice analysis was needed to ensure that these programmes address workplace needs.

Aims: To determine and verify, in accordance with published scopes of practice, the responsibilities (i.e., what they will do) and the competencies (i.e., knowledge, abilities, and skills) that pharmacy technicians will need to practice successfully.

Methods: The study used the “Job Analysis at the Speed of Reality” (JASR) method in which focus groups of subject matter experts (SMEs) developed categorised lists of job functions. The SMEs represented both pharmacists and mid- level workers from a range of practice sites.

Results: A task list for pharmacy technicians was developed from focus group data.

Conclusions: Results of the practice analysis provide valuable information for educators, employers, and other stakeholders to ensure that curricular content are practice-related and relevant to all practice settings. 

Author Biographies

Shirley-Anne Boschmans, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences

Teri-Lynne Fogarty, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences

Kenneth W Schafermeyer, St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Missouri

Professor and Director, Office of International Programs

R. Kevin Mallinson, George Mason University, Virginia

Associate Professor of Nursing


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How to Cite

Boschmans, S.-A., Fogarty, T.-L., Schafermeyer, K. W., & Mallinson, R. K. (2015). Practice Analysis for mid-level Pharmacy Workers in South Africa. Pharmacy Education, 15. Retrieved from



Research Article