A Multiple Short Assessment Approach to Teaching Clinical Research Methods: A Case Study
Assessment, Pharmacy, Research methodology course, DidacticAbstract
The objective of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching clinical research methods using multiple small assessments reinforced with team reviewed cases and peer evaluation. This was accomplished by converting a three credit hour clinical research methods course from a traditional three-exam format into a multiple assessment model using short answer bi- weekly quizzes and article (case) reviews relevant to the concepts on the upcoming quiz prior to each quiz. Finally, student participation consisted of two peer evaluations of the team activities and occurred at the mid-point and end of the semester. Results indicated that the students preferred the multiple assessments, felt that the cases prepared them for the quizzes, were split on the short answer quiz format and did not like the peer evaluation. The positive student responses to the grouping of content delivery and assessment suggests that further study into multi-assessment models of delivery is warranted.
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