Instructional Objectives: What They Are, What They Aren't


  • Michael A Veronin Texas Tech University, Amarillo, Texas
  • Roland Patry Texas Tech University, Amarillo, Texas


Instructional objective, Observable performance, Performance condition, Performance standard, Instructional outcome


Research has found that presenting an instructional objectiove to the students will influence the learning and retention of information. A useful objective communicates to the student an intended instructional outcome, and should convey a vivid verbal description of what a student willbe able to do that is exactly what the instructor intended. A well-stated objective must include a clear statement of obser- vable performance, and should include any required conditions for performance, and a statement describ- ing the standard by which a student's performance will be evaluated. Often the most difficult task in writing instructional objectives is selecting suitable verbs. Clearly stated, well-written instructional objectives enhance communication and are import- ant to deliver instruction effectively.

Author Biographies

Michael A Veronin, Texas Tech University, Amarillo, Texas

Health Sciences Centre, School of Pharmacy

Roland Patry, Texas Tech University, Amarillo, Texas

Health Sciences Centre, School of Pharmacy




How to Cite

Veronin, M. A., & Patry, R. (2001). Instructional Objectives: What They Are, What They Aren’t. Pharmacy Education, 1(4). Retrieved from



Research Article