SHORT REPORT Special International Experiential Report: A Fulbright case study
Assessment, Assessment Centre, Fulbright, Fulbright Specialist Programme, Workforce DevelopmentAbstract
Objectives: This paper sets out to describe the experiences of a pharmacy faculty member leveraging the United States (U.S.) Fulbright Specialist (FS) programme as one mechanism to build global alliances in pharmacy workforce development;. It also describe the findings of the Fulbright visit in creating an Assessment Centre for a faculty group at a university of a middle-income country.
Methods: The University of Pristina in Kosovo tendered a successful application for the visit of a pharmacy education scholar in assessment with the FS programme. The FS and host endeavoured an engaging process with various university administrators and academic staff using semi-structured interviews, presentations, and informal discussions during academic and social exchanges.
Results: The FS produced a 27-page report on recommendations to develop an Assessment Centre that also outlined steps needed to scale the centre up to the University level and replicate it in other faculties, all keeping in mind entrustable activities of assessment and desired global outcomes for workforce development. The FS and host engaged in additional, unplanned activities including a possible pipeline for Ph.D..students from Kosovo to the U.S., a formal exchange with another U.S. institution, and continued collaboration on various scholarly endeavours.
Conclusions: Pharmacy educators must continue identifying opportunities for global collaboration that seeks to promote workforce development and assessment for readiness to practice. The Fulbright Program is one mechanism that fosters collaboration, along with culturally stimulating and mutually beneficial intellectual exchange.
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