REVIEW: The advanced clinical practice pharmacy role and its implementation to practice in England
Advanced Clinical Practice (Pharmacy), Advanced Practice, PharmacistsAbstract
Objectives: Advanced clinical practice (ACP) (pharmacy) aims to address workforce challenges within the rapidly changing, complex National Health Service (NHS) landscape in England. This review explores the current role, scope of practice and impact of ACP, with a focus on pharmacists.
Methods: An integrative review across three databases from April 2019 to June 2019. Key criterion for inclusion was ACP and pharmacist in England.
Key findings: Thirteen articles were used. Four key themes identified: ACP scope of practice and benefits; facilitators, challenges and barriers to ACP role implementation; role implementation and sustainability; and the patient’s perspective. Most studies found it difficult to formally evaluate the impact of ACP. Positive anecdotal feedback was often reported.
Conclusion: To further develop and sustain ACP, it is essential for future work to focus on evaluating impact of the role.
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