RESEARCH ARTICLE: Factors influencing the transition of pharmacy students from pre-clinical to clinical years at university
Clinical Transition, Professional Practice, Professional Training, Student AttitudesAbstract
Introduction: The transition to clinical studies can be a source of stress, though little is known about how pharmacy students manage this transition. This mixed-methods study investigated factors influencing student transition from pre-clinical to clinical years of an Australian pharmacy degree.
Methods: Students rated and discussed their confidence in performing pharmacy-related skills, factors influencing their ability to carry out these skills and key enabling factors and barriers that influenced their transition.
Results: Differences in teaching and assessment style and placement workload affected the transition experience. Self-confidence in the clinical learning environment was enhanced by patient contact, previous pharmacy work experience, case-based learning and supportive placement supervisors. A perceived lack of relevance of pre-clinical learning and heavy workload during placement were major barriers to a smooth transition.
Conclusions: Support systems are essential to foster transition into the clinical learning environment with confidence and effective application of theoretical knowledge to real-world practice.
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