Improving situated learning in pharmacy internship
Internship, situated learning, pharmacy students, participatory action researchAbstract
Aim: The study objective is to evaluate whether a pharmacy internship linked to a practice research project produces student-learning outcomes that are more relevant to new and extended roles of community pharmacists than traditional apprenticeship learning. Method: A study combining undergraduate pharmacy education, pharmacy practice development and practice research in a participatory action research design. Students contributed to the study during the internship by collecting data and presenting the results to the training pharmacy. A triangulation of methods assessed both internally and externally was used to evaluate student learning for project participants and non-participants alike. Conclusion: Pharmacy students are incorporated into a situated learning context during an internship. Most pharmacy students learn from the internship experience, but students who participated in the Pharmacy-University Study learned morethan those who did not. This implies the creation of a more appropriate situation for learning for future pharmacy students.References
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