Formulation and in vitro study of nanoparticles loaded Anredera cordifolia leaf extract as anti-acne
Anti-acne, Antibacterial inhibition test, Chitosan, Nanoparticles, Sodium tripolyphosphateAbstract
Background: The ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia (AC) leaves has previously been investigated to have antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes. An active antibacterial compound against propionibacterium acnes was flavonoid.
Objective: This study aimed to compare antimicrobial activity differences between nanoparticles and extract alone.
Method: AC leaves were extracted and then formulated into nanoparticles using chitosan as the polymer and sodium tripolyphosphate (Na-TPP) as a crosslinker. The nanoparticle-preparation method was ionic gelation, while the antibacterial study used the disc method.
Result: Nanoparticle evaluations showed an average size of 84.93±15.36nm, a polydispersity index of 0.22, a percent entrapment efficiency of 55.06±1.05%, and an average yield of 11.00±1.27%. Based on statistical t-test analysis, nanoparticles differed significantly from extract alone in antimicrobial activity.
Conclusion: Nanoparticles significantly increase the antibacterial effectiveness of extract through the synergism effect between chitosan and flavonoid content in the extract. Hence nanoparticles serve good potency to deliver extract for acne therapy.
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