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Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023): IAI Special Edition
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023): IAI Special Edition
Special Edition
Correlation between clozapine use and metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients
Woro Harjaningsih, Zullies Ikawati, Mustofa, Fitrianis, Rina Silfiana Khoirunnisa, Nida Istivada (Author)
p. 103-112
Antioxidant activities of medang lendir (Litsea glutinosa) stem bark
Nabilah, Almurdani M. , Rudi Hendra, Hilwan Yuda Teruna (Author)
p. 122-125
Evaluation of drug information services in self-medication services with the patient simulation method at community pharmacies
Devi Ristian Octavia , Sri Bintang Sahara Maha Putra Kusuma Negara, Primanitha Ria Utami (Author)
p. 92-97
In vitro antiplasmodial and toxicological activities of Vittaria anguste-elongata Hayata extracts
Rudi Hendra, Rohimatul Khodijah, Hilwan Yuda Teruna (Author)
p. 190-193
Optimisation of lozenge formulation from Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle) extract with various binding materials using a simplex lattice design method
Reynelda Juliani Sagala, Pretty Falena Atmanda Kambira, Untung Gunawan, Sondang, G.O Ambarita (Author)
p. 194-199
Profile of online drug purchasing in marketplace by students at a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in Jakarta, Indonesia
Fonny Cokro, Laurentine Belinda Arfenda, Hadiyanto (Author)
p. 144-148
Adverse drug reactions evaluation of antimicrobials in COVID-19 inpatients using Modified Trigger Tool and Naranjo Algorithm
Larasati Arrum Kusumawardani, Nisa Maria, Yoga Amarta (Author)
p. 1-8
Translation, validation, and reliability of the Indonesian versionAssessment of Quality of Life-4 Dimensions (AQoL-4D)
Gusti N.V. Achmad, R.M, Husna, Y. Priyandani, E. Zairina (Author)
p. 9-13
Antioxidant and toxicological activities of Pyrossia lanceolata (L.) Farw. extracts
Ika Ria Indriani, Hilwan Yuda Teruna, Rudi Hendra (Author)
p. 174-178
Total flavonoid content and in vitro study on the sunscreen activity of extracts of leaves of Elaeocarpus floribundus blume
Rahayu Utami, Raynaldi Syahputra, Rahma Dona, Haiyul Fadhli, Mustika Furi, Ihsan Ikhtiarudin (Author)
p. 118-121
Drug related problems in patients with pneumonia at Jasa Kartini Tasikmalaya city hospital
Nur Rahayuningsih, Amalia Rahayu, Muharam Priatna (Author)
Detection of adulterants in white pepper powder (Piper nigrum L.) using thin layer chromatography fingerprint analysis
Fauzan Zein Muttaqin, Hana Hasanah Mahmudah, Aiyi Asnawi (Author)
p. 248-252
Hand sanitiser activity test of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) oil extract against Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecalis bacteria
Lukky Jayadi , Sandry Kesuma, Muhammad Hasan Wattiheluw (Author)
p. 179-183
Morphology and physicochemical properties of starch extracted from Indonesian ginger
Indah Yulia Ningsih , Dewi Dianasari , Mochammad Amrun Hidayat (Author)
p. 47-52
Predicting factor analysis of gastrointestinal bleeding complication among hospitalised ischemic stroke patients
Fivy Kurniawati, Erna Kristin, Rizaldy T. Pinzon, Sri Awalia Febriana (Author)
p. 139-143
The effect of Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus aspergillus fermentation on daidzein content in edamame (glycine max)
Endah Puspitasari, Fanitika Imansari, Banun Kusumawardani, Ika Rahmawati Sutejo (Author)
p. 14-18
Antibacterial properties of Pyrrosia longifolia extracts
Rohimatul Khodijah, Yuli Haryani , Hilwan Yuda Teruna, Rudi Hendra (Author)
p. 168-173
The impact of COVID-19 on the management of medicines at a public health centre: A showcase of pharmacist resilience
Firiyal Okta Safarah, Yuni Priyandani, Umi Athiyah, Abdul Rahem, Anila Impian Sukorini, Andi Hermansyah (Author)
p. 223-226
Curcumin-mediated gene expression changes in Drosophila melanogaster
Nurfadhilah Asfa, Ahmad Shayful Widianto, Muhammad Khadafi Anugrah Pratama, Reski Amalia Rosa, Ahmad Mu’arif, Risfah Yulianty, Firzan Nainu (Author)
p. 84-91
Synthesis, molecular docking study, and in vivo biological evaluation of pyrazolopyridines derived from monocarbonyl curcumin analogues as potential anti-inflammatory agents
Enda Mora, Hilwan Yuda Teruna, Neni Frimayanti , Ihsan Ikhtiarudin, Noval Herfindo, Adel Zamri (Author)
p. 200-206
Fibrinolytic activity and molecular identification of PB-12 isolate from Papuma Coastal at Jember regency
Evi Umayah Ulfa, Sattya Arimurti (Author)
p. 31-36
Validation and determination of Daidzein in Aspergillus oryzae using thin-layer chromatography-densitometry
Endah Puspitasari, Sutatik, Banun Kusumawardani, Ika Rahmawati Sutejo (Author)
p. 42-46
Pharmacy student knowledge level regarding the beyond-use date
Baiq Nurbaety, Cyntiya Rahmawati, Baiq Lenysia Puspita Anjani, Baiq Leny Nopitasari, Dwi Monika Ningrum (Author)
p. 60-64
The association between knowledge level and common cold self-medication behaviour among students of non-health faculty
Devi Ristian Octavia , Pinasti Utami , Fitriana Yuliastuti (Author)
p. 149-155
Analysis of polypharmacy events and drug-drug interaction in COVID-19 therapy
Anna Pradiningsih, Nurul Qiyaam, Baiq Leny Nopitasari (Author)
p. 133-138
Cost effectiveness analysis of ceftriaxone and levofloxacin for therapy of urinary tract infection at Soebandi public hospital
Ika Norcahyanti, Auralia Putri Pratama, Ema Rachmawati (Author)
p. 98-102
Formulation and in vitro study of nanoparticles loaded Anredera cordifolia leaf extract as anti-acne
Lina Winarti, Adelia Amanda Safitri, Syafira Az-Zahro, Lusia Oktora RKS (Author)
p. 65-70
Synthesis of 3'-methoxy flavonol and its derivatives as potential inhibitors for Dengue NS2B/NS3 and molecular insight into binding interaction
Neni Frimayanti, Ihsan Ikhtiarudin, Rahma Dona, Istiazah Putri, Abdi Wira Septama (Author)
p. 231-243
Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine storage at community health centres in Mataram city
Baiq Lenysia Puspita Anjani, Cyntiya Rahmawati, Baiq Nurbaety, Baiq Leny Nopitasari , Anna Pradiningsih (Author)
p. 37-41
In silico study of aminothiazole, benzohydrazide, namoline, piridine, and parnate derivatives as Jumonji domain histone lysine demethylase (KDM1A, KDM4A, KDM4C, KDM4E, AND KDM5B) inhibitors in prostate cancer
Fauzan Zein Muttaqin, Revi Fahlevi, Hubbi Nasrullah Muhammad (Author)
p. 253-259
Impact of appropriate empirical antibiotics therapy on the clinical outcome of patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Fivy Kurniawati, Stephanus Manunggaling Ayun, Jesslyn Patricia (Author)
p. 184-189
One-pot synthesis and molecular docking study of pyrazoline derivatives as an anticancer agent
Pyrazoline derivatives as an anticancer agent
Tengku Anggia Fitri, Rudi Hendra, Adel Zamri (Author)
p. 260-265
Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance profile of bacteria isolated from out-patients of Pakem primary healthcare, Yogyakarta
Daru Estiningsih, Ika Puspitasari, Titik Nuryastuti, Endang Lukitaningsih (Author)
Acute and sub-chronic toxicity study of green coffee extract (Coffea canephora L.) on liver function of wistar rats
Fransiska Maria Christianty, Fifteen Aprila Fajrin, Yearrika Rahayu Putria, Aida Nurmalita (Author)
p. 78-83
The effectiveness of using digital applications for diabetes mellitus with augmented reality models as learning media in pharmacy education
Adin Hakim Kurniawan, Nanda Puspita, Yusmaniar, Febrain Rajendra (Author)
p. 53-59
Anti-inflammatory activity of Eucheuma denticulatum from Warambadi coast: In-vivo study model of carrageenan-induced paw oedema
Erlia Anggrainy Sianipar, Adeline Jap (Author)
p. 216-222
Public perceptions about telemedicine services for COVID-19 self-isolating patients
Devi Ristian Octavia , Liza Pristianty, Andi Hermansyah (Author)
p. 227-230
Development of objective structured clinical examination-based assessment methods in drug information services lectures
Yosef Wijoyo, Putu Dyana Christasani (Author)
p. 113-117
Antioxidant activity of Loranthus ferrugineus twigs extracts
Desy Ariani, M. Almurdani, Rudi Hendra, Hilwan Yuda Teruna (Author)
p. 244-247
Formulation of a gambier catechin-loaded nanophytosome and the MTT assay on HeLa cell lines
Henny Lucida , Suci Hasani , Meri Susanti , Friardi Ismed (Author)
p. 19-24
Modification of purple sweet potato starch (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) with pragelatination and acetylation methods as disintegrant of paracetamol tablets
Budipratiwi Wisudyaningsih, Nina Wijiani, Vita Anggraeni (Author)
p. 207-211
Pineapple fruit extract (Ananas comosus L. Merr) as an antioxidant and anti-acne agent made with the nano-emulsion gel delivery system
Lutfi Chabib, Arman Suryani, Loly Sintia Dewi, Herdwi Noviani, Widya Husna Puspa Maharani, Aina Anasta Indraswari (Author)
The correlation between knowledge, attitude and family support on compliance of outpatients with hypertension in a healthcare centre in Indonesia
Liza Pristianty, Yuni Priyandani, Abdul Rahem (Author)
p. 25-30
Analysis of total flavonoid content and antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extract of apu-apu herb (Pistia stratiotes) against Salmonella typhimurium
Dewi Dianasari , Lilis Sapta Eka Lestari, Indah Yulia Ningsih (Author)
p. 212-215
The effect of e-booklet education on treatment behaviour of tuberculosis patients at Denpasar City health centre
Ida Ayu Manik Partha Sutema, Ni Putu Aryati Suryaningsih, Gde Palguna Reganata, IGAR Widowati (Author)
p. 163-167
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