Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine storage at community health centres in Mataram city
Community health centre, COVID-19 vaccine, Mataram city, StorageAbstract
Background: The government of the Republic of Indonesia issued a Regulation of the Minister of Health in 2021 concerning the implementation of vaccination in the context of overcoming the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Vaccination will be more cost-effective than treatment if evaluated from an economic point of view. A high accuracy of vaccine management in healthcare facilities such as in community health centres (puskesmas) will positively impact the health sector’s medical, social and economic aspects.
Objective: To explore the suitability of COVID-19 vaccine storage at puskesmas throughout Mataram City based on Good Drug Distribution Method (CDOB) in 2020 and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number HK.01.07/MENKES/4638/2021.
Method: This study was an observational study with quantitative approach.
Result: The average percentage of indicators of COVID-19 vaccine storage at puskesmas throughout Mataram City were as follows: 1) officers and training (33.3%); 2) buildings (17.8%); 3) facilities (11.8%); 4) operational (78.5%); 5) maintenance (57.7%); 6) calibration, qualification and validation (73.3%), and on the suitability of COVID-19 vaccine storage (92.5%).
Conclusion: The suitability of COVID-19 vaccine storage at puskesmas throughout Mataram City based on CDOB 2020 and the regulation shows that the average category is 52.1%, which falls into the category of ‘not good’.
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