Evaluation of drug information services in self-medication services with the patient simulation method at community pharmacies
Drug Information Services, Self-Medication, Patient SimulationAbstract
Background: Globally the number of medicinal products that can be obtained through pharmacies without a prescription continues to increase. Community pharmacists are the health professionals most accessible to patients seeking advice on the use of drugs in self-medication practice. Patient counselling is one of the most important services that pharmacists can provide to patients. Studies have shown that counselling provided by pharmacists can prevent drug-related problems and improve adherence to drug therapy.
Objective: To explore the practice of drug information services at community pharmacies and assess the quality of drug information services in self-medication services according to applicable procedures.
Methods: The patient simulation method was carried out at 51 community pharmacies in the City of Lamongan, involving scenarios related to self-medication services by purchasing drugs without a prescription, with 90 simulation visits in total. Assessment forms were filled out immediately after the visits by the simulated patients. The assessment of drug information services was based on the completeness of pharmacists in providing drug information, comprised of drug names, doses, quantities, indications, times of use, interactions, and storage methods.
Results: For the suitability of community pharmacists in drug information services, 90.0% of pharmacists mentioned drug names, 65.5% explained drug doses, 64.5% stated the amount of obtained drugs, 65.6% explained drug indications, 70.0% explained the times of drug use, 22.2% explained drug interactions, and 25.5% explained drug storage.
Conclusion: The practice of drug information services by community pharmacists for self-medication services is very important to help patients avoid the dangers of irrational self-medication practices.
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