Development of objective structured clinical examination-based assessment methods in drug information services lectures


  • Yosef Wijoyo Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Putu Dyana Christasani Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Drug information service, OSCE assessment, Pharmacy student


Background: Research has been carried out on the development of objective structured clinical examination OSCE-based assessment methods in Drug Information Services lectures.   

Objective: This study aims to prepare the assessment, and teaching-learning methods to improve student competence.   

Method: This research was conducted in three stages, 1) development of the assessment method; 2) development of the syllabus for Drug Information Services lectures; and 3) trial of the assessment method. For the assessment method and syllabus, validation was carried out by experts based on rubric evaluation. As a benchmark for the acceptance of a limited trial, the value is 56.00. The research subjects were 36 undergraduate students of Sanata Dharma University (SDU).    

Result: The results of the study show that: 1) the assessment method and syllabus have been declared valid by the experts; 2) a limited trial of the assessment method, resulting in an assessment range between 56.39- 75.69.    

Conclusion: Based on this research, a valid assessment and teaching-learning method has been produced, and in line with the quality of OSCE-based examination as a national standard, so that they can be used in the next lecture in the 2020/2021 term.


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How to Cite

Wijoyo, Y., & Christasani, P. D. (2023). Development of objective structured clinical examination-based assessment methods in drug information services lectures . Pharmacy Education, 23(2), p. 113–117.



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