Students’ performance and perceptions of mock trials as a teaching and assessment activity over three years at two institutions
Debate, Inter-institutional collaboration, Mock-trialAbstract
Background: This study aimed to evaluate students’ performance and perception of a mock-trial teaching, learning, and assessment activity over three years at two institutions.
Methods: A mock trial (courtroom-style debate) implemented over three years (2017-2019) in a first professional year (P1) course at two institutions offered active learning in literature critique and evaluation, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, professionalism, and self-awareness. Student teams researched, prepared, and debated controversial topics as counsels, witnesses, or jurors for alternate mock trials. Descriptive analyses evaluated judge and juror trial scores and the 2019 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) survey.
Results: The mock trials involved 319 student participants (Programme A: 136; Programme B: 183). Faculty-judge scores ranged from 83.3% to 97%, while student-juror scores ranged from 87.5% to 100%. Most student groups in all programmes reported comparable faculty-judge scores and student-juror scores, irrespective of trial positions (pro or con) or topics. The TAM survey assessed 96 student participants’ perceptions of Blackboard Collaborate® for peer collaboration in 2019. Items assessing students’ attitudes toward mock trials reported an average rating above 5 on a 7-point Likert scale.
Conclusion: A three-year retrospective evaluation of students’ performance and perceptions of mock trials at two institutions demonstrated the effectiveness of mock-trial innovation and the feasibility of cross-institutional student engagement and faculty collaboration.
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