Introducing project management to student pharmacists in a healthcare informatics course


  • Sarah Collier Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
  • Elizabeth Breeden Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy, Nashville, Tennessee, USA



Active learning, Curriculum, Pharmacy education, Professional skill, Project management


Background: Project management (PM) is a desired skill for pharmacists regardless of their practice settings. However, PM skills often develop as a by-product of the pharmacy curriculum rather than by design. This study describes an immersive, active learning exercise aimed at introducing PM skills and methods to student pharmacists.   

Methods: A didactic lecture and team-based case to evaluate a technology purchase for a small-scale, independent pharmacy was implemented in a second-year Healthcare Informatics course. Teams applied PM concepts to task completion timelines, budget constraints, and stakeholder engagement. A subset of students (N=36) participated in the research study to evaluate intervention impact.   

Results: A net positive shift in student perceptions and confidence was observed following exposure to the skill and methods of applying PM in the active learning experience. Notably, student appreciation grew for the PM skillset relative to pharmacy as did their openness to additional PM training.

Conclusion: PM is a marketable skill, and it is foundational to any area of pharmacy practice. Herein, an active learning exercise is described to meet the objective of introducing PM principles and methodology to student pharmacists. The competencies gained will be useful in navigating the demands of the professional curriculum and their future practice.


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How to Cite

Collier, S., & Breeden, E. (2023). Introducing project management to student pharmacists in a healthcare informatics course. Pharmacy Education, 23(1), p. 755–761.



Research Article