Social media addiction, depression and life satisfaction in Turkish pharmacy students: A correlational study
Depression, Pharmacy student, Satisfaction, Social media addiction, UniversityAbstract
Background: Although research on pharmacy students remains limited, this study is the first of its kind in the field of pharmacy in Turkey and aims to investigate the impact of social media addiction on depression and life satisfaction among pharmacy students.
Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study of 597 students was conducted between September and October 2023 at the pharmacy faculty of a university in Turkey. Three instruments were used to collect the necessary data: the socio-demographic data form, Social Media Addiction Scale, Penate Basic Depression Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale. All of these were combined into a single questionnaire.
Results: A positive but weak yet significant correlation existed between pharmacy students' total Social Media Addiction Scale (SMAS) score and their total Basic Depression Scale (BDS) score. Conversely, a negative but weak yet significant relationship was observed between pharmacy students' total SMAS and Life Satisfaction Scale (LSS) total scores. According to the results of multiple linear regression analysis, social media addiction and life satisfaction were identified as predictors of depression.
Conclusion: In developing countries, such as Turkey, there is a lack of sufficient academic literature on this topic. Future research should not only monitor these relationships but also focus on prevention and treatment strategies.
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