A systematic review on the effectiveness of case-based learning (CBL) in the undergraduate pharmacy programme
Active learning, Case-based learning, Effectiveness, Pharmacy education, Systematic reviewAbstract
Background: Efforts to innovate teaching methods have led to case-based learning (CBL) as a response to traditional lecture limitations. CBL, also known as case study teaching, involves students actively achieving learning objectives with facilitator guidance. Based on literature search, no systematic review has evaluated studies on CBL effectiveness in pharmacy curricula.
Objective: This systematic review was performed to assess CBL's impact on student satisfaction, knowledge acquisition, and lecturers' perspectives for undergraduate pharmacy students.
Methods: A research question was developed for the review using the PICO framework. Keywords and synonyms were used in Boolean searches within PubMed and ERIC databases. Inclusion criteria encompassed full-text articles from 2011 to 2021, focused on undergraduate pharmacy education, and published in English. Retrieved articles were screened and analysed using ATLAS.ti 9.0 for coding and conceptual framework generation.
Results: Twelve studies were included, all assessing knowledge gain, student satisfaction, general perception, and lecturers' perspectives on CBL. Consensus indicated CBL is particularly suited for case-heavy subjects like clinical or primary care settings.
Conclusion: CBL is an effective teaching-learning method for certain subjects and should be integrated into the curriculum of undergraduate pharmacy.
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