Integrated learning: An EBL approach to pharmaceutical chemistry
EBL, peer assessment, pharmaceutical chemistry, teamworkAbstract
This paper reports on the evaluation of an enquiry based learning (EBL) module in pharmaceutical chemistry which has been developed for first year pharmacy students. The module aims to encourage integration of knowledge within the multi-disciplinary pharmacy degree, leading to an appreciation of the importance that chemical properties have on the action of medicines. In teams, students selected a therapeutic area and medicines for its management. Following an introductory workshop, the teams completed an information retrieval and analysis exercise. Assessment included a poster or oral presentation, which confirmed, through questioning, that the teams appropriately applied chemical properties of their medicines to broadly rationalise their clinical efficacy. Evaluation by questionnaire showed that the students rated the module as being of relevance to pharmacy. Evaluation and peer assessment provided evidence of the development of key skills, and also showed that networking of teams of first year students from diverse backgrounds had social and academic benefits.References
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