Staff and student perceptions of Pharmacy final year research projects
Undergraduate research, final year project, pharmacy educationAbstract
Undergraduate pharmacy education is undergoing reform, largely driven by changes in the role of the pharmacist. One area of the curriculum coming under particular scrutiny is the final year research project. It has been suggested that such projects should perhaps play a lesser role in undergraduate education because research is not part of the working remit of most pharmacists. If, as a School of Pharmacy, we are to make an informed contribution to any debate, we must be clear about the role the project currently plays, both within our own institution and at a wider level. This project uses a questionnaire-based approach to investigate the MPharm project provision at The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, and demonstrates that the grade achieved in this module has a strong positive influence on final degree classification. Furthermore, both staff and students believe that it offers valuable training in both a professional and educational context.References
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