Development of Core Competencies for a new Master of Pharmacy Degree
Core Curriculum, Core Competencies, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Student, Delphi, Expert Group, Pharmacy Degree, SwedenAbstract
Background: A new MSc Pharmacy degree is being developed at Lund University, Sweden.
Aims: To identify the core competencies that a newly qualified pharmacist needs for future employment.
Method: In a modified three-round Delphi technique, 40 experts were asked to list the necessary competencies. After content analysis, the experts classified the list by importance on two successive occasions using a 4-level scale (4: necessary; 1: not necessary). Competencies with a consensual mean score of > 3.5 were retained.
Results: Thirty three experts (82%) completed all three rounds. The open questions resulted in 600 suggestions, subsequently reduced to 120 competencies. Another five competencies were added after the second round. After round three, 48 competencies had been retained. The experts agreed on both necessary and not absolutely necessary competencies.
Conclusion: Our study allowed consensus to be reached and identified core competencies that could be transferred to learning outcomes for the planned degree.
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