An exploration of feedback provision in a pharmacy degree programme from students’ perspectives
Education, Feedback, Pharmacy, QualitativeAbstract
Background: When students across the United Kingdom were asked to evaluate their experience at university, the area they reported being least satisfied with was assessment and feedback.
Aims: To investigate students’ views on feedback provision in a pharmacy degree programme.
Method: Students were randomly selected and invited to participate in focus groups to discuss feedback. Discussions were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analysed using a constant comparison approach.
Results: Fifteen students participated in this qualitative study. Students considered feedback important for improving performance and clarifying mistakes. Participants provided opinions on what was important in relation to feedback and suggested how it could be further developed across the course.
Conclusion: On some occasions, feedback provided failed to meet student expectations. However, several modules were deemed to be excellent and therefore provide examples of good practice which could be utilised within the School and by other universities.
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