A Pilot Study to Evaluate Clinical Competence in Junior Grade Pharmacy Practitioners
Competence, Competency, Fitness for purpose, AssessmentAbstract
This pilot project investigated pharmacists’ performance, using a previously designed and evaluated competency assessment grid, over a 12 week period in eight active and one control sites. At baseline and 12 weeks later, assessors defined the clinical service provision “expected” and then assessed junior pharmacists’ service against these specifications. The observed and expected competencies for each task were then compared. A number of assessors from the active sites were interviewed to determine the ease of use, the process adopted and the time taken to carry out the assessment of a student.
Over the 12 week period students in the active group (n 5 24) showed a significant improvement in their ability to perform key tasks in all but one area whilst there was no significant change in performance in the control group (n 5 4). Evidence indicated that a variety of approaches were used when carrying out assessments using the grids by the five assessors interviewed. Additionally, the effects of using the grid on the assessment process had a range of organisational benefits across the active sites, highlighting the flexibility of the grids in diverse departments. The results indicate that the competency assessment grids can detect a change in pharmacists’ performance and that this might reflect the pharmacists’ awareness of the behaviours being assessed.
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