What characterises professionalism in pharmacy students? A nominal group study
Nominal group technique, Professionalism, UndergraduateAbstract
The adoption of behaviours, beliefs and values by undergraduate pharmacy students has been recognised as crucial to a students’ professional development. The objective of this study was to identify the attributes of professionalism relevant to pharmacy undergraduate students using the Nominal Group Technique. The group consisted of ten pharmacists purposefully selected from academia, hospital and community pharmacy and 30 potentially relevant attributes were generated at the group meeting. A follow up questionnaire was used to allow group members to rate each attribute on a four point scale and consensus was reached on 18 of the attributes. There was considerable overlap between the attributes of professionalism identified in this work and that identified in the literature on professionalism in medicine. Future work should focus on the development and validation of research tools to track the professionalism of pharmacy undergraduates throughout their course.References
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