A case study on the first professional experiences of recently graduated pharmacists: Professional identity formation


  • Elif Ulutas Deniz Department of Pharmacy Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ataturk University, Türkiye
  • Olcay Besnili Memis Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ataturk University, Türkiye
  • Ceren Ceylan Faculty of Pharmacy, Ataturk University, Türkiye




Pharmacy, Professional identification, Quality research


Background: To become a community pharmacist in Türkiye, it is necessary to gain experience as an assistant pharmacist in a community pharmacy for a minimum of one year after graduation. This study aimed to explore the experiences of recently graduated pharmacists who have experienced assistant pharmacy practice (APP), a one-year training alongside community pharmacists in Türkiye, focusing on various aspects of this practice, particularly professional identity formation (PIF).

Methods: A qualitative approach was used to achieve this objective. A case study design using in-depth interviews allowed participants to describe their lived and perceived experiences in their own words.

Results: Twenty pharmacists (15 females and 5 males) were interviewed. Four themes emerged from the data: (1) contributions of assistant pharmacy practice to PIF, (2) challenges of this practice, (3) stages of PIF during this practice, and  (4) pharmacists' perceptions of their roles at the conclusion of the PIF process.

Conclusion: Considering the stages in question and the difficulties encountered in the practice, as acknowledged by the relevant authorities, it is anticipated that PIF during the APP period could be facilitated, and pharmacists' perspectives on the practice could change.


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How to Cite

Ulutas Deniz, E., Memis, O. B., & Ceylan, C. (2025). A case study on the first professional experiences of recently graduated pharmacists: Professional identity formation. Pharmacy Education, 25(1), p. 83–95. https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2025.251.8395



Research Article