Case Study of Generic Competencies Assessment
Generic competencies, monitoring, competency profile, university level, competency development.Abstract
Introduction: In 2007, the Faculty of Pharmacy of Université de Montréal replaced its bachelor’s program with an all-new Doctor of Pharmacy Program, which uses a competency-based approach. In that setting, development of tools to monitor students’ progress in regards to generic competency was of crucial importance.
Description of assessment method: Generic competencies and competency elements to be assessed were defined and assigned to each program course, and assessment tools were designed to create a generic competency profile for each student.
Evaluation: Results from the first two cohorts of 200 students show that the new process meets the Faculty’s objectives. Strong agreement can already be seen on both exceptional and problem students, suggesting that our method is relatively reliable.
Future plans: The information technology platform will be improved to allow students to view their individual file, on demand. We believe that this project will contribute to promoting generic competencies development in our students and help them sincerely commit to this goal.
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