Role-emerging placements in pharmacy undergraduate education: perceptions of students
Multidisciplinary Team, Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmacy Placements, Role-Emerging Placements Undergraduate EducationAbstract
Context: Role-emerging placements (REPs) can be a unique opportunity for pharmacy students to understand patient care issues and see the value of a multi-disciplinary team.
Description: Optional REPs were piloted in an MPharm degree course, in a range of day hospitals and patient groups. This project aimed to evaluate students’ perceptions on the placement’s contribution to their professional development.
Evaluation: Twenty percent of the 59 students who attended the placement participated in two focus groups. High satisfaction with their REP was reported, with an emphasis on increased understanding of the role of multidisciplinary teams, patient perceptions and impact on pharmaceutical care. Although introducing a new scheme brought some challenges, these are not insurmountable. As such, the benefits of REPs are likely to be ongoing and the results are therefore encouraging for other Schools of Pharmacy.
Future plans: REPs will become an integral part of this University’s MPharm syllabus.
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